AMIS 2022
The program committee for AMIS 2022 is pleased to announce the dates for the meeting and a call for papers.
Call for Papers - American Musical Instrument Society
Annual Meeting: June 8 to 11, 2022
Studio Bell, home of the National Music Centre/Centre National de Musique
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
The 2022 AMIS meeting will be held at Studio Bell, home of the National Music Centre (NMC), in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, from June 8 to 11. Studio Bell is more than a museum, offering exhibitions and live concerts, as well as artist development and education programs. It houses NMC's collection of musical instruments and historical recording equipment, spanning over 450 years of history and innovation. Many rare and treasured items from NMC’s over 2,000-piece collection are on display throughout Studio Bell, while a "living" musical instrument collection provides visiting artists and artists in residence access to more than 200 fully functional historical instruments. The instrument collection, begun in 1996 as the Chinook Keyboard Centre and later renamed the Cantos Music Foundation, is especially noted for its collection of vintage electronic instruments of the 20th century and stringed keyboards dating from the 17th century to the present. To view a promotional video and learn more about the NMC, go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwYiQNhD5NY.
Paper proposals, due November 30, 2021, are invited for presentations of twenty-minute length plus ten minutes discussion; round-table panels, for which a few longer time slots are available; and poster presentations. As well as traditional papers, we welcome instrument demonstrations, musical performances, lecture recitals, video screenings, and presentations in other formats suitable for a lecture space. Space will also be reserved this year for a limited number of remote presentations; please specify if you wish to be considered for one of these slots. A presenter wishing to use or discuss an instrument at NMC should first send a message to info@studiobell.ca to see if use or display of the instrument is viable. To explore the NMC’s collection, go to https://amplify.nmc.ca/explore/.
Proposals must include an abstract of not more than 300 words, a 75-word biography for each presenter, a list of audio-visual requirements, and e-mail addresses for all presenters. Presentations on topics relating to Canadian music history and electronic music are especially encouraged, but all subjects will be considered. Responses will be forthcoming by mid-January 2022.
Please send proposals as e-mail attachments in pdf form to committee chair Darcy Kuronen: darcykuronen@gmail.com.
Students are eligible to apply for the William E. Gribbon Memorial Award for Student Travel. See https://www.amis.org/william-gribbon-award. An Outreach Travel Grant is available to help a Mexican citizen with the expenses of attending the conference. See https://www.amis.org/outreach-travel-grant.