AMIS 2023
Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music at the University of Memphis
The 2023 annual meeting of the American Musical Instrument Society will take place at the Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music at the University of Memphis, May 31–June 3. We look forward to welcoming you to one of America’s great musical cities.
Sessions will take place in the new Scheidt Family Performing Arts Center, opening in fall 2022.
There are numerous museums and historical sites devoted to the rich musical traditions of the area, and many display musical instruments in their cultural context: among them are the Blues Hall of Fame, the Stax Museum of American Soul Music, the Memphis Rock ‘n’ Soul Museum, Beale Street, the Museum of Science and History, and the Slave Haven Underground Railroad Museum, all in Memphis. A little further afield you’ll find Carnegie Legends: The Legends of Music Museum in Jackson, TN. Nashville has several museums, including the National Museum of African American Music. Our local arrangements team is planning some events focused on instrumental music traditions of Memphis and the Delta.
ACCOMODATIONS ARE THE HOLIDAY IN ARE CURRENTLY FULLY BOOKED. Accommodation will be available at the Holiday Inn, University of Memphis, next door to the Performing Arts Center, and in new University dormitories, a five-minute walk from the Center. The Holiday Inn is $139/night for conference attendees; call 901-678-8200 for reservations. This rate is available until April 29, but you are advised to book early. Dormitory accommodation (single rooms) will be $40/night, and can be booked with conference registration. When calling, please mention the American Musical Instrument Society.

Call for Papers
Proposals, due November 30, 2022, are invited for papers and presentations of twenty-minute length plus ten minutes of discussion, round-table panels (for a which a few longer slots will be available), and poster presentations. As well as traditional papers, we welcome instrument demonstrations, lecture-recitals, video screenings and other presentations suitable in format for a lecture space. While all subjects are welcome, topics relating to music of Memphis and the American South are encouraged. A few slots will be reserved for remote presentations; please specify if you wish to be considered for one of these.
Proposals will includes an abstract of not more than 300 words, a 75-word biography for each presenter, and e-mail addresses for all presenters.
Please send proposals as PDF attachments to committee chair Jeremy Tubbs, with subject line AMIS 2023.
Students are eligible to apply for the William E. Gribbon Memorial Award for Student Travel. See https://www.amis.org/william-gribbon-award.