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2023 AMIS Award Winners

The Curt Sachs Award

Patrizio Barbieri

AMIS announces that Patrizio Barbieri is the winner of the Curt Sachs Award for 2024.

The Nicholas Bessaraboff Prize

Tom Beghin

The 2024 Bessaraboff Prize is awarded to Tom Beghin, for "Beethoven’s French Piano: A Tale of Ambition and Frustration," written in collaboration with Robin Blanton, Chris Maene, Michael Pecak, and Tilman Skowroneck (University of Chicago Press, 2022).

The Frances Densmore Prize

John R. Watson

The 2024 Frances Densmore Prize is awarded to John R. Watson for an article titled "A Small Upright Piano from Pennsylvania: Relic from the Origins of the Piano and Made by John Clemm(?)," published in the 2022 volume of the Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society.

The Frederick R. Selch Award

Abigail Byrd

The 2024 winner of the Frederick R. Selch Award in Abigail Byrd, for her paper "The String Instrument Industry and the Triple Bottom Line."

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